Vicks vaporeux is a classic product that helps sooth and digest blocked noses for those suffering from flu or a cough. Not being content with helping to only combat certain symptoms, it can be used in everyday life for multiple uses that aren’t often well know. Here are 10 different uses for Vicks, which will make you keep a pot nearby!
1) Soothe sore feet
If your feet are tired after a long day, do not hesitate to apply a little bit of this product onto your feet and gently massage it to relieve your feet. Then put on your socks. You will wake up with gentle and dainty feet!
2) Calm headaches
On your forehead and temples, apply a little touch of Vicks and wait a little, the results soon get noticed!
3) Against acne spots
Apply a small amount of product to the imperfection. The active ingredients in the ointment will treat the affected area.
4) Get rid of muscle fatigue
Do a gentle massage on sore muscles to relieve them quickly especially after exercising. It is also excellent for relaunching blood circulation.
5) Sooth sun burn
The application of this ointment will relieve the skin and promote healing.
6) Make a barrier against mosquitos
The odor of this ointment may be pleasant to you, but it is not pleasant for mosquitoes. Apply the Vicks when you are in a place where there are mosquitoes. In addition, it also helps relieve a sting.
7) Calm irritations and redness
Apply a good layer of ointment to the red zones before going to bed and repeat the morning to wake up to effectively reduce the redness.
8) For softer lips
Use ointment on your dry lips to treat them effectively.
9) Lubricate your door hinges
If your doors squeak, use the Vicks to lubricate the hinges and stop the noises.
10) Reduce belly fat
Be careful, this trick is not miraculous because it does not replace exercise and good nutrition but it can help burn fat, firm up tissue and eliminate cellulite and is especially great when you do exercises or that you are home. It can help you with the double chin or for thighs.
For this, mix the Vicks Vaporub with camphor, baking soda and a little alcohol. Apply this cream on the areas to be treated and wrap it with black plastic or a sheath to enhance the silhouette.
Source : AmélioreTaSanté