
10 simple tips for adding volume to your hair

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When the cold weather arrives, we can often notice our hair becoming flat and tired looking. This is not only  linked to wearing woolly hats, and it’s as if the cold transforms your hair into someone else’s! There are also people whose hair lacks volume all year round, or whose hair changes because of a hair care routine that doesn’t work well for them. Whatever the case, you will find plenty of tips here to help you on your quest for volume. These tips are simple and natural, and will add more body and bounce to your hair. 

1) Be careful of over-washing

Credits: iStock

Sure, it is lovely to have nice clean hair that smells great, but when you are looking for volume, washing it too often can do more harm than good. By doing so, you strip your hair of its natural oils, leaving it looking dull, flat and lifeless.

Be careful also not to overburden your scalp with needless products: conditioners and masks often do nothing but weigh your hair down, and should only be applied to the tips of your hair.

2) Rinse off with beer

Credits: Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay

You have surely heard that beer is good for your hair, but have you ever tried it out for yourself? Now is the time if you want to stimulate your hair and add volume.

3) Dry your hair upside down

Perhaps you already do so (all the better for you), but this technique is a must for voluminous hair, and produces better results than drying your hair in a standing position looking in the mirror. Lean forward and dry your hair with your head tipped upside down, keeping a reasonable distance between your hair and the hair dryer to avoid burning your hair.