Occurring unexpectedly, especially at night, the cramps can be very painful and remain so for a few hours. These are intense contractions of a muscle, mostly of the leg, during the night or during the effort of the athlete. They reach out to people making significant and repeated physical efforts, the elderly, as well as pregnant women. It is the same for those who do not hydrate regularly and properly as well as deficient mineral salts.
Some tips and remedies to prevent cramps
- Drink 1 to 1.5 liters of water per day.
- Balance your diet and focus on magnesium (chocolate, green vegetables, cereals), potassium (honey, banana, potato).
- Reduce stimulants (coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco).
- Walking occasionally barefoot on cold ground.
- Raise the calves and feet with a cushion.
- Practice before bedtime exercise pedaling of the legs.
- Take a cold shower down the calves from bottom to top and finish with a jet of hot water.
Grandmother’s Tricks for Cramping
- Place a piece of soap in the bottom of your bed or put it under the pillow. It is intended to compensate for the need for potassium.
- You can also hide a magnet under the mattress or drink a decoction of cranberry juice
- Inhale deeply 10 seconds and then exhale thoroughly 10 seconds.
- Keep the lavender oil at your side for massaging. Pass under very cold water the calf or toe. Gradually stretch the painful muscle which remains the most appropriate basic motion to help.
Source : Grands-mamans