Even if you want a beautiful garden, you do not always want to use chemical solutions to preserve the plants and make flee the parasites. Sometimes, passing a good water jet works, but this is not always enough. When you want to protect your garden ecologically, there are plenty of genius and ecological methods that protect the garden. Here are 14 that you will quickly adopt!
1) Olive Oil
If you have a problem with aphids, a mixture of water and olive oil sprayed on your plants will be enough to protect them. This will also help feed them. On the other hand, this solution is not suitable when temperatures are too high (over 30 °), reserve it for spring or cooler days.
2) Nettle
Few people like it, yet you can make a nettle manure against aphids and other insects. Fill a large plastic bin with rain water (if possible) and put the nettles on it (if you have a net filled with freshly picked nettles, that’s better). So let it macerate for three to four weeks. Slip the filtered liquid into a sprayer to spray it on the plants. This plant is one of the elicitors, they strengthen the immunity of the plants, stimulate their growth, help them to mobilize against aggression’s.
3) Garlic
Aphids, whiteflies and other harmful pests spoiling your life? Create a solution with 10 garlic cloves infused in 700 ml of hot water, add to this mixture a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
4) Ground coffee
If the creepers are in your line of sight and you don’t want to see snails, slugs or ants wandering through your plants, push them back by sprinkling coffee grounds at the foot of the plants.
5) Absinthe
Boil 1 kg of dried absinthe leaves in 1 liter of water for half an hour. Leave the mixture to stand for 24 hours and then spray twice a month the plants attacked by caterpillars, aphids, etc.