
14 Great ways to use swimming noodles

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Swimming noodles are fun and inexpensive items that serve in the pool, but can also be used out of the water! You can indeed adapt them and be used to make games or objects for the every day. These tricks are also interesting for anyone who has damaged pool noodless whose only thought was throwing them away!

1) Create hangers that don’t damage your clothes

Source : youtube/yahoo Source : youtube/yahoo

2) A paintbrush stand

Source : youtube/yahoo Source : youtube/yahoo

3) Protecting the car doors.

Source : wikihow Source : wikihow

4) Make a colouful baby playmat.

Source : Source :

5) Present your napkins

Source : Sew Many Ways Source : Sew Many Ways

6) Fill your plant pots, a lot lighter than rocks or pebbles

Source : Premeditatedleftovers Source : Premeditatedleftovers

7) Create an outdoor fun game of bowling

Source : Polkadotchair Source : Polkadotchair