
20 Tips to conserve your food longer

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Un-used food is such as shame and a huge waste. Although we know the problem, sometimes we can’t stop buying too much, enjoying lots of more food than we necessarily need due to the offers such as 3 for 2 or buy one get one free. We soon find ourselves with a full fridge. Even if certain products keep after the expiry date and can be safely eaten, it may be necessary to discard because there is no other choice. These 19 great tricks will keep your food longer and you will have more time to consume and less chance to throw them away!

1) Keep your avocados with an onion (cut or not) so that they do not blacken.


A sprinkling of olive oil or a squeeze of lemon can also help

2) Put clingfilm around the stems of the bananas so that they blacken less quickly.


3) Keep your berries fresh and beautiful by dipping them in a mixture of vinegar and water.


4) For onion and garlic, put them separately in brown paper bags with holes to keep them for months without problems.


5) Immerse the herbs in an ice cube tray and sprinkle with a little olive oil. Store in the freezer. They will also be ready for use whenever you want.



6) Cut the end of the cheese package and use it to close the package and keep an ideal preservation.
