Rust has nothing to do with the quality of your knife. This is just a normal (and very annoying) reaction which can happen in a dishwasher or because the steel blades have had contact with a little water. Rust also appears with time, but it does not mean you need to throw away your cutlery. So here are some ingredients and tricks to get rid of rust.
1) White Vinegar
An unbeatable household product, vinegar cleans everything, even rust. Just use it warmed up, on a soaked cloth or a piece of newspaper and rub. The idea of making a vinegar bath for a few minutes is also a possible option for those who are too lazy to rub.
2) Turpentine Essence
You can use it cold like vinegar. A great ally to fight against rust!
3) Lemon juice
Press the lemon juice into a large glass or a bowl and leave your cutlery to soak for a few hours and the rust will disappear.
4) The surprising granny tip: Use a potato!!
Cut a potato in two and rub against your blade, be careful to not cut yourself. It is the starch that is going to work magic!
Sources : CouteauxduChef ; Comment-Economiser