It is known for its smell and its fresh taste but do you know about its other properties? The essential oil of peppermint is nevertheless an ally of choice for the small everyday aches and pains with its refreshing effect. Although not recommended for pregnant women like all other essential oils and unusable for children, it remains a plant to adopt into your health cures. Here are 5 ways to use it that will make you want to give it a try.
1) To stop headaches
Put a drop of peppermint on a piece of sugar or a spoonful of honey and eat it all. For a more direct use, massage your temples with your index fingers after dripping a drop on each finger. Avoid getting too close to the eyes to avoid irritation.
2) Stop nausea or vomiting
5 to 6 times a day, put two drops on a sugar cube or in honey and ingest. Continue until the symptoms are over. For immediate relief, you can also sniff the bottle.
3) Forget about your fatigue and don’t use vitamins
Morning and evening, as for the other tricks, put two drops of this essential oil on a sugar cube.
4) Combat constipation
After the meal, put a drop on a sugar cube or better, a neutral tablet before swallowing. Your constipation will soon be forgotten.
5) For a better digestion

You can put two drops of this essential oil on a sugar (or neutral tablet) or prefer to put a drop of peppermint essential oil and another of lemon. Consume this after the meal.
6) Against the itching
Mix the essential oil in vegetable oil or some lukewarm water and rub the area that itches.
7) Fight respiratory inflammation
With the same mixture as before, rub the breast to help treat the inflammation. You can also pour 3 or 4 drops into hot water and inhale the effluvia to know a relief of the respiratory tracts.
8) Reduce hunger
Researchers at Wheeling Jesuit University have done a study that shows that this essential oil will reduce hunger and help consume fewer calories. This would be due to the strong odor that comes out of it and diverts the mind from its hunger. This study was not the first to look at peppermint and its effect on health, another study showed that breathing oil or using an inhaler allowed athletes to feel more motivated to give a bigger effort and felt more energetic.
Sources : Comment-économiser ; Fooyoh ; PasseportSanté