The mouth can be a nest for bacteria where decay, cavities or gum inflammation can quickly arrive. Inflammation of the gum is very common and is unfortunately accompanied sometimes by very pronounced pains, redness, bad breath and even bleeding. If you do not act, periodontitis is waiting for you! But do not panic, these few remedies can help you. They do not, of course, replace the dentist’s opinion, but can greatly help your gums stay healthy.
1) The saline solution as a mouthwash
The use of salt will reduce inflammation by improving blood circulation and making your mouth benefit from these antiseptic properties. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water (not hot). Make two mouthwashes per day.
2) Lemon
Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties will relieve the sensation of discomfort quickly and reduce swelling. Stir the juice of half a lemon in warm water. Mouthwash 2 to 3 times daily with this solution.
3) Tea
This natural antiseptic accelerates the healing of your gums and disinfects the area, it should be combined with honey, because it contains antibacterials. You will have a complete care for your gums. Let your tea infuse in water for 10 min. Wait for the water to cool and add a teaspoon of honey. Apply this solution after brushing your teeth to your gums using a cotton swab.
4) Aloe Vera
This plant is extremely anti-inflammatory and regenerates cells efficiently which speeds healing of tissues. Its analgesic power will also provide you with a pleasant relief of pain and discomfort. Do not hesitate to apply it directly on your gums in the mouth when it is clean. You can repeat as much as desired the application of this gel during the day.
5) Bicarbonate of Soda
Bicarbonate has no equal to treat your teeth. It is known to whiten enamel, but less for its ability to remove bacteria. In addition, it also eliminates plaque. Mix with a little mineral water and massage your gums with this mixture.
6) Cayenne pepper
Pepper provides better blood circulation and treats oral problems by clearing bacteria that are difficult to dislodge from the mouth. You can add a few drops of pepper extract to your toothbrush or apply pepper directly to the gums using circular motions.
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