
6 ways to stay on top form in the office

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It can sometimes be difficult to stay feeling in top form when you spend entire days at the office. But there are some great tips to help keep you going when you get hit with the 3pm slump, or simply to make everyday life that little bit better. Stress at work can be a real problem, and you need to learn to listen to your body, and set aside a little time for yourself. Here are 6 tips to help you stay feeling good throughout the working day….

1 – Eat healthy foods throughout the day

Credits: magyi / Pixabay

Although it may seem obvious, we cannot overstate how crucial a role this plays in your overall well-being. Naturally, you need to start the day with a balanced breakfast, that will release energy all throughout the morning. If you can, it is important to take the time for a proper break at lunch time, in order to allow some time for yourself. But in addition to these traditional tips, don’t hesitate to consider other more original alternatives to boost the organism, such as eating vegan meals, which have huge benefits when it comes to staying on top form. If you don’t believe us, think about all the celebrities who have already turned to vegan diets, such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Natalie Portman, among many others.

2 – Create a practical workspace

Credits: StartupStockPhotos / Pixabay

In the office, one of the most common problems is poor posture in front of the computer. This leads to back pain, shoulder pain, wrist pain, etc. It is best to choose an ergonomic office chair, with a keyboard and a mouse that are adapted to your needs. Have a look on the internet to learn about optimal posture, and the best ways to create a comfortable workspace for yourself. Your body will thank you later on for having taken care of it, and to have prevented back problems among others.

3 – Take regular short breaks

Credits: StartupStockPhotos / Pixabay

You may notice that smokers in particular are in the habit of doing this, who apparently have an eternal excuse for allowing themselves several short breaks throughout the day. However, non-smokers should also take regular 5 to 10 minute breaks in order to recharge, and most importantly, so as not to stay in a seated position for hours on end. Your brain and your back will thank you for these short reprieves. Such breaks also give you the chance to chat with your colleagues, which can lead to conversations that get you out of the rut and routine of the working life.

4 – Rest your eyes

Credits: Concord90 / Pixabay

Your eyes are your main working tool, in an office. And when they start to get tired, it is very important to rest them a little, in order to prevent migraines or other problems. This will also help prevent your eyes from becoming red and itchy. You can also consider using glasses that protect your eyes from blue light, which you wear while working on the computer.

5 – Bond with your work colleagues

Credits: rawpixel / Pixabay

Although your don’t have to be everyone’s best friend, it is important to create bonds with the people you interact with throughout the day. As well as distracting you from the humdrum of your work, they will be better placed to be sympathetic if you become fatigued or stressed out, and they will also be more polite and cordial workwise, as they respect and like you both as a colleague and as a person. It has even been proven, in a study reported by Lifehacker, that work colleagues with social bonds have a longer life expectancy.

6 – Take regular exercise

Credits: PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

We know, we know. It is often difficult to stick to this rule, especially during a busy day, when fatigue and stress prevents you from getting motivated. However, at least 20 minutes per day of exercise is necessary in order to stay in shape, maintain a good mood and to stay motivated for work. Find out more from your boss, who may be able to offer on-site exercise/sport options during the lunch break or at the end of the working day.

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