Flu can strike at any time, and knock you for six when you least expect it. The result? You find yourself confined to your bed, with infernal headaches, sweats and shivers, body pains, and feeling like such a wreck that completing your daily tasks becomes an impossibility. It doesn’t tend to last very long, but with a few little tips, you can make it more tolerable and get back on your feet faster. So what are these tips? You can find 8 below that are sure to bring you some relief.
1) We can’t get enough of eucalyptus radiata essential oil
Eucalyptus is great for fighting coughs and fever and for supporting the immune defenses. It gives the body a welcome little boost.
We recommend that you use it 3 times a day to massage the thorax. Never use it pure, but mix 3 or 4 drops in a vegetable oil such as olive oil.
2) Use an essential oils diffuser
A diffuser helps create a healing atmosphere, for those who diffuse the right products in their home and in the patient’s bedroom.
Go for niaouli essential oil (Melaleuca quinquenervia), ravintsara essential oil (Cinnamomum camphora) or eucalyptus globulus essential oil.
3) Hit the infusions without delay!
But not just any old kind of infusion will do! Thyme is a must in the case of flu (or other illnesses that affect the respiratory system) because its aroma is anti-infectious, which stimulates and fortifies the immune system.
So how do you make it? Simply add 1 teaspoon of thyme to a cup and add 150 mls of boiling water. Cover it and leave it to infuse for 10 to 15 minutes. We recommend that you take 3 cups a day in between meals, but don’t exceed 3 weeks of “treatment”.
4) Ginseng root cure
Your ailing body couldn’t ask for better in terms of vitamin C (and much more besides), in order to get out of its zombie-like state. Ginseng is good for increasing the body’s resistance and for stimulating the immune system, as well as boosting physical and mental performance. Take two gel capsules per day.