
9 tips for having longer lashes

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Here are 9 natural ways to have longer lashes

1/Apply olive oil directly onto your eyelashes before going to sleep with the help of an ear bud. Remove the residue the following morning. Olive oil helps your lashes to regrow.

2/You can also use castor oil by following the above method. Castor oil hydrates and makes your lashes stronger.

3/Prepare a herbal tea with camomile flowers.  Once it is ready apply it directly onto your eyelids and onto your eyelashes. Repeat this action morning and night for one month in order to have noticeable results.

4/Mix 6 carrots, 4 oranges, 2 spoons of flower pollen and a spoon of walnut kernels. Drink this juice every day for 2 months every morning.

5/Cut the tip of your eyelashes. Like your hair they need a trim every now and again!

6/Eat food rich in keratin such as dried vegetables, fish, chicken, eggs and rice.

7/Don’t skimp on Vitamin C which is found in oranges, kiwis, papayas, strawberries,lemons and melons.

8/Brush your eyelashes every night at the same time as your hair in order to promote their regrowth.

9/Pay  attention to your diet and don’t eat too much fat. A diet which contains too much fat slows down the growth of your hair.

If after following these tips you don’t notice any difference don’t hesitate to see a dermatologist.