
9 Tips to remove terrible odors from the kitchen

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Smells in kitchens can be pleasant as well as being horrible. Persistent odors of chocolate cake or bread can be delicious, it is not the same with the smell of fish or cabbage. Knowing that airing is not always sufficient, we must find other solutions to deal with this problem. With these few tips, you can cook your favorite dishes without worrying about the risks of unpleasant smells.

Tip : For cooking in the oven

— Place orange peel or lemon peel onto some aluminium foil during cooking and leave it in the oven after cooking to soak unwanted smells. Not only will there be no horrible odors but you will have yummy fruity smells in the kitchen.

— A dish of water with a few drops of vanilla extracts placed into the oven to boil, and then left over night once the oven is turned off will make a delicious smelling oven.

Tip : For dishes

—You can do a pre-rinse with cold water and coffee grounds that you leave a little to soak before cleaning as usual. In addition, after cleaning and rinsing with hot water, you can then rinse with very cold water. Sniff! There is no more smell.

Tip: When you fry food

— Add a head of parsley or a vanilla pod into the oil.

Tip: Against smelly fish

— Place a slice of fresh ginger onto the plate.

— Grill a bay leaf at the same time

— If your hands smell of fish rub them with some lemon. Or use some soap and add a little sugar to rub off the odors.

Tip : During cooking in a casserole

— You can put whole nuts with the shell in the pan, they will absorb odors.

— Soak a tea towel with some white wine vinegar. Enough to be damp but not drip into your food. Place ontop of the casserol and then add the lid to prevent horrible smells when cooking things such as cabbage.

Sources : Au Feminin ; Grands-mères ; lesconseilsdemaman