
9 Tricks to fight against the cold winter!

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The months of December, January and February have passed with more or less the average snow fall depending on the region you live in, but we can still be faced with a month or so of cold Winter temperatures. Hot chocolates and big coats are therefore still needed… as well as the tricks that make it possible to fight the cold on a daily basis.

Trick 1:

Protect your shoes from water by purchasing a wax candle. Rub it vigorously on your shoes and then pass the hair dryer to maximum heat until the wax melts.

Trick 2:

To move powder snow use a broom rather than a traditional spade. You will see if it is more effective!

Trick 3:

Concerning sticky snow you can apply a little oil onto your spade to prevent the snowflakes from sticking onto your spade.

Trick 4:

After cooking something in the oven, don’t hesitate to leave the oven door open. Even though the oven have finished cooking and is turned off, it contains some heat until it gets cold. You can add some warmth to your kitchen as well as nice smells from your baking.

Trick 5:

Activate your thermostat by pressing a bag of ice against the box

Trick 6:

If you feel you have a cold coming on, you can concoct a simple mixture to combat these symptoms with a cup of cornstarch, a half cup of baking soda, 5 tablespoons of Vicks. After mixing thoroughly, put it in an ice cube tray and place it in the freezer. You will be able to put a cube in your shower and it will bring out the vapors that will relieve your symptoms.

Trick 7:

Use a swimming noodle to minimize heat loss through the door. It is long enough to cut it and make it pass under the door. Then cut off the frayed edged so that it is the correct length. For smaller areas, you can use a small amount of modeling clay, do not worry, no one will see it once the door is closed.

Trick 8:

Make yourself a hand heater by using what you have at home. Fill a sock with some rice and heat for 30 seconds in the microwave.

Trick 9:

Are you sheets cold when you go to bed at night? To not be so cold, heat them up for a few minutes with the hair dryer. Perfect to make cosy sheets and aid your slumber.