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Best tip for unscrewing a damaged screw

Credit: Video screenshot
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A damaged screw head is a classic problem for lots of people doing some handy work in the house.  But don’t worry even those who are used to DIY are not always sure the best way to unscrew a damaged screw.  This can happen if the screw has been repeatedly screwed using tools that are not adapted to the job at hand like a pair of scissors or a knife for example.  The screw could also become damaged if the quality of the screw is not great making it a lot less durable.  In the end you screwdriver can’t stick to the damaged screw and continuously turns with no avail. 

Of course those of you who are used to using the tool kit could perhaps try and recreate the furrows with a grinder.  However this more extreme technique is not possible for everyone and can leave big marks on the screwed object.  This is an issue if the object is a piece of furniture or an electrical item.  Here is a much simpler technique which works with all type of screws!

What you need:

  • Screwdriver
  • Rubber band


1) Place your rubber band onto the damaged screw

Video screenshot

2) Press down on the band firmly with your screwdriver and turn without releasing the pressure.  The rubber with reform the shape of the screw which will allow you to stick to the screw and manage to remove it.

Video screenshot

3) Continue like this until your screw has been removed.  That is all there is to this simple tip!

Video screenshot

Video {In French}

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