Blisters can easily appear if you don’t wear shoes that are suited to your shoe size, of bad quality or in some difficult situations like hill walking or wearing high heels. People who like exploring the outdoors and trekking long distances know all about blisters just like those who decide to put on a new pair of shoes that have never been worn for your first day back at work. They might be pretty but you’ll definitely have to pay the price! You should turn toward essential oils for a remedy to get rid of blisters quickly and effectively!
What you need:
- Lavender essential oil : 2 drops
- St. John’s wort vegetable oil : 2 drops
1) Mix the two ingredients together.
2) Apply your mixture onto the blister with a cotton bud or directly with your finger.
3) Apply this mixture up to three times per day to relieve pain and disinfect the blister and to help it heal quicker.
The good new is you can also use this mixture to prevent blisters appear as well if you are afraid that one might appear!