
Coffee fans will love these ten top tips

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6) A good technique to remember when you made the coffee last!

Whether you make coffee all the time or hardly at all, it is never nice to drink old coffee.  Put one cup on top of an other and mark the hours of the day on the base of the bottom cup and an arrow on the base of the top.  This simple tip will help you to remember when you last made the coffee as you can point the arrow to the corresponding hour!

Credits : Carashow — Instagram

7) Replace sugar with cinnamon:  it is healthier and more aromatic!  You can also consider other delicious alternatives…

If you add cinnamon, chocolate or lemon to your coffee you should know that you can add all this to the coffee grains instead of to the cup of coffee itself.

You could also coconut milk or butter instead of milk or cream!  If your coffee doesn’t give you enough energy you can also add grapefruit to it.. this can have a radical effect!  (Grapefruit slows down the body’s absorption of caffeine.)

Credits : Pixabay/Firdaves

8) Mix coffee and a nap for a great energy boost after a tiring day.

How many of you have already taken a nap because they can no longer stand on the their feet only to wake up feeling like a zombie and having to drink several cups of coffee to feel on form again. You should leave a 15 to 20 minute gap for your nap.  Drink your coffee before taking a nap straight away.  When your alarm goes off a short while later you will feel more rested and the caffeine will have had the time to take it’s effect.  You will therefore be full of energy to continue your day in peace.

Screenshot Danielle Marie Carolan YouTube Channel

9) Never drink your coffee in a cold mug!

Pour hot water into you mug to heat it up or put your empty mug in the microwave for a few seconds.  Then pour your coffee into your cup and your coffee will stay at a good temperature.

Credits : Pexels/Breakingpic

10) Instead of wasting coffee that is no longer good to drink, make it into a cake!

There are hundreds of great recipes where you can use left over coffee so that you no longer have to waste it again!

Credits Pixabay – Pixel1


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