In some countries such as Quebec, invasions of ladybugs are very common, especially in spring. This becomes very problematic from the moment when little red critters are also inviting themselves to your living room, bedroom, window frames… Here are 4 ways to permanently solve the problem of an invasion of ladybugs. Be careful, by invasion we mean hundreds, even thousands of Ladybugs, and not two or three that can be taken away with your hands.
Camphor and mint
Here is the best method because it is painless. In a spray bottle fill, it with a mix of camphor and mint. Spray a little of this homemade product where the ladybirds are gathering, this will not kill them, but keep them away considerably as they hate the very strong smell that this product exudes. This mixture will be more effective if you spray several times. This is a very good way to fight ladybugs without having to kill them.
Diatomaceous Earth for domestic use
If you have children or pets (or both!), It is best to use this method to kill all ladybirds and permanently solve this problem. But it is nevertheless necessary to monitor your children and your animals. In fact, diatomaceous earth contains fragments of microalgae. These cause cuts in the exoskeleton of ladybirds as they pass through the earth. They eventually die from dehydration because they are unable to conserve moisture.
A trap made from water and soap
In a glass bowl or jar, mix a few drops of dish soap with water. Place the bowl near a window or light source. Attracted by the reflections of lights, the ladybugs will eventually drown in soapy water.
Boric Acid
Caution, this product can be dangerous. Borax is a cleaner that can be purchased on Amazon or on other online sales platforms. Disperse boric acid powder wherever your invasive ladybirds are walking. These will die from dehydration once they come into direct contact with the product.
Source : Trucs et bricolages