Winter can be a difficult season for birds. During the harsh weathers they have to maintain their body temperatures, but it is not the cold that is difficult for them. With the shorter days and food that becomes rare, they find it harder to feed themselves than normal. Here are a few tricks on how you can help your garden birds to get through the winter and have happier chirps when spring arrives.
- Prepare them a little perch high up in the trees, making sure it is somewhere safe away from wind, rain and cats. Also don’t put it near a window to prevent birds flying into your windows.
- Leave out warm water in a shallow dish and replace a few times a day. Like us they need water to hydrate themselves to be on top form! If there is snow, they can drink by picking at the snow and snowflakes.
- Leave out little quantities of food in different areas, far apart so that the birds don’t fight against each other for some. You can leave some out early morning before work and early evening before they go hide in their warm nests.
What type of food to give them? You can purchase a mixture of grains from stores, because they contain a variety of sizes and types that are perfect for different birds. Nuts and dried fruits are also appreciated, as well as little pieces of foods such as mince meat and fish and bread crumbs.
Avoid giving them left over foods which are too cooked or salty. Patisseries risk blowing up their little stomachs and giving them tummy problems.
Also don’t forget to stop feeding them once winter has finished. It is important they learn to fend for themselves and find food during the spring and summer season.
Sources : Le Roitelet ; 30 Millions d’amis ; Checy