
Effective homemade treatment to prevent the appearance of freckles

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There are varying causes for the appearance of freckles.  Sometimes it is linked to sun exposure or UV light while for others it is due to old age or hormonal problems.  Freckles or moles appear when a skin pigment cell goes awry.  Of course, they appear in visible places like the face, the chest area or the hands.  Here is an effective homemade treatment that can be used to treat these areas to avoid freckles from appearing.

Discover other natural treatments for age spots and brown spots on the skin on Granny’s Tips website.

What you need:

  • 50 ml Lily oil macerate
  • 15 drops of celery essential oil
  • 15 drops of carrot essential oil

These essential oils are photosensitive and should therefore only be used at night.  The smell of the mixture is a bit odd but it is very effective.

The steps:

1)  Simply pour the essential oil drops into the macerate and mix together.

2) Apply the whole mixture onto your face after you have washed you face before going to bed..  With the palm of your hand apply the mixture with movements that go from bottom to top.

3) The following morning clean your face well with more than just water so that you can remove all the traces of essential oils.

Good to know:

  • Seeing as these essential oils don’t irritate the skin, you can apply these oils on their own if your skin reacts well. (Do a test on an area of your skin before hand.)  To do this put 5 drops o each essential oil onto a roll on and apply the mixture to a small area.
  • The macerate or busserole oil are great at preventing freckles when applied locally.

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