
How to close an already opened bottle of champagne

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Although champagne is a drink that we rarely drink unless we are famous, we often find a bottle on the table for big events like a birthday or celebrating a colleagues retirement.  Sometimes you don’t manage to finish the bottle and you are left to struggle to find a way to close the bottle of this special  liquid so that it still keeps all the bubbles.  Here is our technique!  

What you need:

  • Clingfilm
  • An elastic band

The steps:

1) Cut a piece of clingfilm.

2) Place the piece onto the neck of the bottle.

3) Keep everything in place using an elastic band and put in the fridge.  That’s it!

To complement this technique you might be interested in our last minute tip to make champagne fresh in a couple of minutes.  It is ideal for a last minute party when you find a bottle in the cupboard!

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