
The magical ingredient to treat diabetes, asthma, cholesterol and kidney disease

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Diabetes, asthma, cholesterol and kidney disease can be very troublesome on a daily basis and can be very dangerous to your health. Here is a magic ingredient that helps to deal with these health problems: okra.

Okra is a very low calorie plant (30 calories for each glass), high in protein (2 grams), fiber (3 grams). It contains only a tiny amount of fat (0.1 gram), a few carbohydrates (7 grams), folic acid, vitamin C and magnesium. This plant is a wonder of nature and its therapeutic powers are counted by hundreds. When you suffer from asthma, consuming okra makes the immunity stronger and helps to calm this breathing disorder. Okra is also the assurance of good cholesterol, relieved diabetes and perfectly detoxified kidneys.

Here is the magic recipe using okra to make, if your suffer with diabetes, cholesterol, asthma or kidney diseases :

You simply need 4 raw okras, and you cut off the head and tails.


  1. Take 3 to 4 small pieces of trimmed okra and dip them in a glass of water.
  2. Let them merge with water overnight.
  3. When you wake up, drink a small glass of this mixture 30 minutes before your breakfast. The effects will leave you speechless!

Source : Astuces naturelles