
The miracle product to clean your pvc windows

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Many people have PVC windows. They are solid for years, resistant to shocks and keep an excellent thermal insulation but the white frame tends to yellow quite easily. To find the brilliant whiteness of the material, there is only one miracle solution: it is soda crystals!

What you will need:

  • A bucket
  • 2 litres of warm water
  • 2 tablespoon of soda crystals
  • A spoonful of bleach


1) Add the water into your bucket and add the soda crystals. Mix until dissolved.

2) Add the bleach and mix well together.

3) Clean your window frames like normal with a chiffon soaked in the solution. You can wear gloves to protect your hands from the bleach.

Extra granny tip: Before cleaning the PVC, clean your windows with a mixture of 250ml of white vinegar and 750ml of warm water. This solution will clean your windows and prevent them from steaming up.

Source : Comment-Économiser

– Voir aussi : les réparations pour les fenêtres PVC