
Never lose things again with these 7 tips!

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Have you noticed that it is always when you are in a rush or running late that everything seems to go wrong.  Whether it is a stain that appears on your shirt at the last moment, something breaks or the car doesn’t start… don’t worry we have all been there!  However the most annoying of all is of course when we lose our keys or our phone just as we head out the door! For the shatter-brains out there, this could even be a daily occurrence.  So that you never lose things again, here are some great tips to follow.

1) Avoid clutter

How do you find something easily which is lost under piles of books, useless paperwork, strange things that are not meant to be there, or just random heap of objects… The less cluttered your room the more easily you’ll find those hidden items in a more open space. What are you waiting for?  Reorganise your room and create more clarity!

2) Give everything it’s own specific place

Credits: Pixabay/Pix1861

In a well organised house, it is easy to see when an object is out of place.  Often we lose things as we haven’t dedicated a place where to put them.  We put them wherever we fancy that soon they become impossible to find.  Start the habit of assigning a place for certain objects and remember to put these objects back in their right place when you come home.  Hang your bag in the wardrobe or put it in the corner of the room.  Place your keys in a bowl or hang them on a hook.   If the whole family follows these habits they will put the items back to the right place if they see them lying around haphazardly.

3) Describing your actions

Describing where your have put things will help you find them the next time, especially if it is a temporary storage place or an object that you don’t use often.  One good technique to do this is to say the place aloud so that you can remember it better. For example saying “My train pass is in the drawer beside the front door” will help you to remember this piece of information the next time you need to use it.

4) Make your objects stand out so they don’t blend into the background

Credits : Wikimedia Commons/Miansari66

Phone are items we lose most easily. If they are on silent, the technique of calling yourself with another phone is useless. Using visual and audible aids is always helpful when trying to find objects and making them easier to spot.   A flashy key-ring for your keys which stands out or makes a noise will be a big help.  Use coloured or patterned storage pockets for important documents as you won’t want to lose them.

5) Your item’s not lost, it’s you!

Credits: Pixabay/Pezibear

When we start to look for an item we can start to get panicky. Loosing your head means that you are less able to see things clearly.  Therefore when we lose things, it’s not our object that is the problem it is in fact, us.  Sit down for a moment and breath deeply.  Perhaps make a cup of tea if you have time and remind yourself that item is in the exact place you have put it.  If you think you are unlikely to find the object, the more frustrated and annoyed you’ll be before you even start to look.  Remaining positive is the most important step and the key words are calm, confidence and composure!

6) Be systematic in your search

If you remain positive (as mentioned before), your search will be simpler.  It is useless to turn everything upside down and throw things around your room haphazardly while crying out in frustration.  Search systematically going through each room one by one, starting in the last place where you remember using or seeing the object and retrace your movements.  Don’t forget to look in logical places as another member of your family might have tidied it away for you. (Your jacket on the coat hanger or the umbrella by the front door for example.)

7) Don’t forget the “Eureka Zone”

Credits: Pixabay/Unsplash

In one of his books (How to Find Lost Objects), Doctor Michael Solomon describes what he calls the “Eureka Zone.”  This is the 50 cm zone which surrounds the usual storing place for the object.  For example your favourite pen might be under the table you normally store it on or your  book might have been put away on the wrong shelf accidentally.  Start by looking for your lost item in this 50 cm zone by lifting up each item around it and opening all possible hiding places.

What are your techniques for finding lost objects (or never losing the in the first place)?

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