
Reduce your fuel consumption with these 15 tips

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It is hard not to use a car when you don’t live in a city.  But without realising it, the annual costs of running a car come to a tidy sum you could be doing without!  Here are 15 practical tips that you can adopt so that you can drive both more economically but also more ecologically.  Your wallet will be eternally grateful!

1/ Avoid opening your windows

Air adds a wind factor so you should avoid opening your windows when you drive.

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2/ Stay calm

Sharply accelerating or breaking is not really advised if you want to reduce your fuel consumption.  Instead you should drive smoothly going progressively to each speed.

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3/ Program your GPS or prepare your itinerary in advance

An itinerary that is prepared in advance is a better way to optimise our full tank of fuel!  No need for detours or hesitation when you already know the way!

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4/ Regulate your speed during long journeys

If the road is fairly quiet then you can regulate the speed of your car and, if your car has the option, you can but it into auto drive so that it stays at the same speed.

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5/ Avoid overly using the electrics

Using the cigarette lighter socket, radio or other external electronics can be a source of over-consumption if used excessively.

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