
Reuse kiwi peels by making delicious sweets!

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Generally when we go to eat a kiwi, we only use the fruit, and we automatically throw out the peel without a second thought. However, the skin of a kiwi is full of little known benefits, and it would be a pity to miss out on them! Here is a way of reusing them in order to make delicious sweet treats to offer your guests at the end of a meal, to finish off the evening on a tasty tangy note. 


  • The peel of 4 kiwis
  • 3 tablespoons of brown sugar
  • The juice of one lemon


1/ Pour the sugar and the lemon juice into a pot and heat them on a low heat.

2/ Add the kiwi skins and stir well.

3/ Leave them to cook for a few minutes.

4/ Strain the mixture.

5/ Dry out the peels using whichever of the following methods suits you: in a food dehydrator if you have one, in a fan oven heated to no more than 40°C for a minimum of 4 hours, or out in the sunshine (although this requires patience!)

The results? Delicious acidic crisps that you can serve with your digestives!

Source: Lisa Casali, Editions Larousse.

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