Of course salt is used to season your dishes. However seeing as it is best not to over use the salt shaker for health reasons, it is good to know about it’s other great uses! In some situations salt can be used to replace bicarbonate of soda and little grains of salt can be really useful for scrubbing away dirt and grime. Read on to discover 10 surprising uses for salt, a staple ingredient in your kitchen.
1) Getting rid of bad smells from your shoes
Pour salt into your shoes and leave to sit over night. The next day remove the salt, using a paint brush if necessary.
2) Cleaning a sponge
Pour 70 g of salt into a salad bowl and add a litre of cold water. Leave your sponge to soak overnight and rinse it out the next day.
3) Cleaning your drains
If your pipes are blocked mix 270 g of salt with the same dose of bicarbonate of soda. Add 120 ml of white vinegar. Pour the lot down the sink or into the shower and wait ten minutes before pouring 1 litre of boiling water. Run hot water from the tap or the shower head until the water flows and drains away better.
4) Removing red lipstick marks
Some marks are very difficult to remove especially if you wear thick lipstick or lip gloss. Use some salt to rub onto the mark and it will quickly disappear.
5) Dusting artificial flowers
You often find that fake flowers quickly gather dust making them look more artificial than ever before. Put the flowers into a plastic bag that is big enough and add some salt. Seal the bag well and shake it. The grains of salt will remove the dust for you!