Have you just bought or been given a lovely bouquet of flowers? You have deserved them! The only issue is you don’t want the beautiful flowers to wilt after a couple of day. You want to make the most of this touch of spring or summer joy in your living room. You are in luck as there is a really simple way to make a bouquet of flowers last longer. The aim is to encourage the flow of nutrients into the plant. All you need is a little wonder ingredient that you will all have stashed away in your store cupboards!
What you need:
- All you need is the wonder ingredient… Bicarbonate of soda!
What to do:
1) Cut 1 cm off the end of your flower stems before plunging your flowers into the water which not too hot nor to cold. (Remember flowers are sensitive to temperatures.)
2) Next add 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in to the water in your vase and mix in well.
3) Lastly, all you need to do is arrange your flowers in the vase as you wish!
It is as simple as that! Now your lovely flower arrangement on the kitchen table will be appreciated for longer.