Stains are an everyday problem that can annoy all of us. There are multiple types of stains from chewing gum that gets stuck to you bum after you have sat down at a bus stop or coffee that has spilled onto your lap when giggling too energetically with your colleagues. At a dinner party your hand might slip in an unusual way when holding a glass of red wine making it tumble to the floor splattering a spotless white carpet… Everyone has been in one of these situations however you don’t always know the best way to deal with the mishap. Here are six excellent stain removers that can help to get rid of everyday stains.
1) Chewing gum stuck to your t-shirt
Take an ice cube and then place it onto the chewing gum stain. This will harden the chewing gum meaning that you can peel off the stain which one quick movement.
2) A coffee stain
Soak a cloth with vinegar and wipe your stain with the cloth. Sprinkle on some bicarbonate of soda and then scrub with a toothbrush which is soaked in bicarbonate of soda. Then put the item of clothing into the wash.
3) Wine stain
Pour white vinegar onto the stain and then leave to sit for 15 minutes. Sprinkle the area with bicarbonate of soda and the scrub with a toothbrush. Place your item into the washing machine.
4) Oily mark
On a small oily mark you can put a little washing up liquid and then scrub the mark before putting it into the wash.
On bigger oily stains that are more complicated to remove, you can sprinkle the stain with bicarbonate of soda and then leave to sit for 45 minutes so that the mark can absorb. Pour on a little washing up liquid onto the bicarbonate of soda and then scrub with a toothbrush soaked in white vinegar. Put the item into the washing machine.
5) Mark on your rug
Mix two doses of white vinegar, a dose of washing up liquid and two doses of water. Soak a cloth with a small amount of this mixture. Dab the cloth and then scrub the mark so that it can be gradually absorbed. Rinse with a little water and then soak a paper towel with as much washing up liquid as possible. Leave to dry.
6) Food stain
In a bowl, mix one dose of washing up liquid to two doses of oxygenated water. Pour this solution into a spray bottle. Soak the mark with water with a cloth and a sheet of paper towel and then spray your solution onto the mark. Leave for ten minutes before wipe again with your cloth or paper towel soaked with water. Leave to dry.
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