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Homemade recipe to strengthen and repair brittle nails

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Wanting to put nail varnish on to make your nails look pretty is great but your nails need to be strong so that they don’t split at the slightest movement or fall apart we you have the misfortune to touch something!  As always, granny has some simple secrets up her sleeve to help strengthen and repair your nails.  Open your kitchen cupboards to find the ingredients that you need carry out this simple but effective for brittle nails. 

What you need:

  • Juice of a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (or argan oil if you have some in the house)


1) Put the bicarbonate of soda into a bowl and add the lemon juice on top.

2) Mix the two ingredients together well before putting it into the microwave for 35 seconds.

3) Sock your nails in the mixture for five minutes.

4) Next rinse your hands and then use the oil to nourish your nails correctly.

5)  Repeat the same steps two to three times per week so the best effects.  For even better results, it is best to not use nail varnish during the care period!

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