There are many ways that people like to store tomatoes. Some people keep them in the fridge while other never do preferring to keep them at room temperature. However there is another less well known technique of putting your tomatoes into the freezer. This method helps to keep your tomatoes longer (up to six months) and in perfect shape. It doesn’t need a lot of preparation or defrosting time. What’s more it is a handy solution which will prevent the frustration of having a moldy tomato forgotten at the back of the fridge.
Good to know: Just like meat and lots of other food, the freezer changes the texture of the food product. You can of course eat them raw if you’d prefer but it is better to use these tomatoes in cooked dishes.
The steps:
1) Preparation
Ripe tomatoes but not overly ripe that are medium to large in size are the best type of tomato for the freezing technique. If you need some tomatoes straight away or the next day you can of course leave them in the fridge.
Clean and dry your tomatoes before removing the green centre. If you think you will peel your tomatoes later score a cross on the other side in preparation. Organise a space in the fridge where the tomatoes can lie flat and have enough space without touching one another. (Otherwise they will stick together and you will find them in a massive block.)
2) Freezing

Put the tomatoes into a freezer bag or in any airtight container that is compatible with the freezer. Remove as much air as possible. Slide the tomatoes into the bag which can then be kept for up to 6 months in the freezer.
3) Defrosting and how to use

Leave the tomatoes at room temperature for 30 minutes and peel if necessary. For the tomatoes to completely defrost it will take about an hour. You can then chop them as you wish. You can grate them to make a sauce or a soup or cut them up to make a dish.