Some shoes have the inner lining that retains the foot odors caused by sweating. It happens that it is often our favorite shoes that smell, but impossible to resolve so we decide to no longer wear them. So we have to find grandmother tricks to remedy these ugly odors and there are several tricks. Here are five!
1. Baking soda, an effective ally
Baking soda is a miracle product and has many benefits. Unobtrusive, it absorbs odors and moisture. So this is the number 1 trick to try to get rid of the smells from your shoes. It is very simple, you just have to disperse a spoonful on each sole and leave to act several hours. We advise you to do it in the evening and wait all night. In the early morning, your shoes will be as new and will no longer release unpleasant odors.
2. The benefits of talc
Talc is, so to speak, the cousin of bicarbonate of soda. Very effective, its main property is to absorb moisture, which is why it is perfect against perspiration. With this product there are two possibilities. First possibility: you do the same as with bicarbonate, that is to say that you deposit talc on the entire surface of the soles and you let it act all night. The second possibility is also simple, you just sprinkle your foot with talcum powder, so as to cover them. Certainly, it will leave traces on the socks, but it is better that the smells. And then the talc does not stain, so it will come off without any problem.
3. The virtue of citrus fruits
Orange, lemon and grapefruit are good for the taste buds, but not only for taste! Their skin, which emits a slightly tangy scent, is very effective in absorbing bad odors, those of shoes also. Again, it is very simple, you put pieces of these fruit skins in your shoes and you let them act all night. In the morning, your shoes will smell like the citrus fruit.
4.The unprecedented effectiveness of tea tree essential oil
Many essential oils have disinfecting and sanitizing properties, but the safest of them is that of the tea tree. Simply spray your soles with a few drops at least once a week, ideally two. This oil is found in shops and stores specialized in natural products. Plus, it does not cost much!
5. Plants to your rescue
Know that sage and lavender are very good ways to combat the bad odors of shoes. Do not you use it just to perfume the house! You put in your shoes a few sage leaves and a little lavender and, as for the other tricks, you leave between eight and twelve hours. Your shoes will have a delicious country smell!
Source : Astuce de grand-mère