
How to treat baby hiccups in a simple and natural way

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Baby hiccups is a spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm following an excess air absorption. Even if this seems worrisome, it is quite common among infants. However, there are a few granny recipes to help calm your little cherub.

Natural remedies for getting rid of baby hiccups

You can heal baby’s hiccups through food: the goal is first to make sure that the diaphragm resumes its normal rhythm. The simple act of chewing can solve the problem. You can give your baby some apple puree, crushed bananas, rice cereals. If the baby is still too small, dip their dummy in honey or sugar. Or, put a drop of lemon juice on their lips. Otherwise, consider sequencing meals by giving him several small doses several times in the day.

Make the right moves to heal the hiccup

Even if in adults certain gestures work every time, in the baby it is not the same. His body, which is still fragile, may be injured if you startle them, pull their tongue or press their fontanelle (head soft spot). The large glass of water is to be avoided as well. Start by standing upright and straight for half an hour. You can massage their back gently to relax their muscles. You can rock them too, or distract with games to make them forget this annoying hiccup. In prevention, be vigilant that it does not swallow air during breastfeeding. Otherwise, think to tilt their bottle and make them burp on their own even during the meal. And if their hiccups are always insistent, do not worry, in the end hiccups passes by itself.

Source : Grands-mamans