Do you often suffer from eye infections? You should try using natural ingredients so that you can avoid any inflammatory reactions. Choose natural ingredients which have diuretic, anti-inflammatory and anti bacterial properties. The treatments below can help you control benign infections. If your infection continues or gets worse then you should speak with your doctor.
1 — Flax seeds (Lin seeds)
What you need:
- 1 tablespoon of flax seeds (about 10 g)
- 1 glass of water (about 200 ml)
What to do:
1) Add the seeds to a pan of water and then boil up on a medium heat for 10 minutes.
2) Leave to cool and then sieve the mixture into a bowl.
3) Soak the cloth in the liquid and then apply it onto your eyelids for five minutes.
4) Repeat this process twice per day until the symptoms disappear.
2 — Jasmine flowers
What you need:
- 1 teaspoon of jasmine flowers (about 10 g)
- 1 glass of water (about 200 ml)
What to do:
1) Add your jasmine flowers into a glass of boiling water and then leave to sit for 15 minutes.
2) Leave the mixture to cool for a bit there sieve the mixture.
3) Just as you did for the flax seed apply this mixture onto your eyelids with the help of a clean cloth dipped into the mixture.
4) Repeat this process twice per day until the symptoms disappear.
3 — Rosewater
What you need:
- 3 teaspoons of rose petals (about 30 g)
- 1 glass of water (about 200 ml)
What to do:
1) Add you rose petals into a glass of water and then leave to boil on a medium heat for 15 minutes.
2) Remove the pan from the hob and then leave to cool before sieving the mixture.
3) Dip the cotton into your mixture and then rinse your eyes with the rosewater infusion. Repeat this process three times per day until the symptoms have disappeared.
4 – Coriander infusion
What you need:
- 1 cuillère à soupe de feuilles de coriandre (environ 10 g)
- 1 verre d’eau (environ 200 ml)
What to do:
1) Add the coriander leaves to pan glass of boiling water and then leave to sit for 15 minutes.
2) Once infused filter the infusion.
3) Dip a clean cloth into this coriander mixture and then rub your eyelids with it until your symptoms disappear.
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