We do not always have an iron to hand, nor the time to iron. However, whether one is on holiday, has no time or when the iron is broken, clean and ironed clothes are often necessary to go to work to be taken seriously by colleagues. Clothes without creases are the best guarantee of a smart presentable outfit! Here is a trick to iron your clothes without the use of an iron.
What you will need:
- A spray bottle
- Water
- White vinegar
- Fabric softener
1) In a spray bottle, pour in one third of softener, one third of white vinegar and one third water.
2) Gentle shake the bottle for it to mix together.
3) Place your clothes on a hanger and spray using the product mixture.
4) Pull the clothes to stretch out the pleats
5) Leave to dry. If you don’t have the time to let it air dry, use a hair dryer to dry the fabric.
Source : Comment-Economiser