Kidneys are very important organs in our body as they filter waste substances from our blood which are then removed in our urine. However sometimes toxins can build up in our body creating kidney problems. When there is a problem with our kidneys our body can send us recognizable signals. Here are 8 signs which you should look out for.
1/ Tiredness
Kidneys produce erythropoietin, a hormone involved in the formation of red blood cells. Therefore one of the main roles of our kidneys is to transport oxygen around our body. However if our kidneys start to not function properly it can result in concentration problems, nausea and tiredness.
2/ Skin rash
Regularly cleaned and well oxygenated blood gives us a healthy complexion. When there is a problem with our kidneys, the waste substances in our blood are not filtered properly which means that imperfections can appear on our face such as skin rashes. These symptoms can also be accompanied by itching and allergic reactions.
3/ Changes in our urine
Some abnormalities in our urine such as a change in colour, (if it becomes very yellow), a change in texture or an unusual smell can signify that there is a problem with your kidneys. Sometimes these symptoms are due to urinary infections even so you should always check with your doctor if you notice any of these changes.
4/ Fluid retention
If a problem develops in the kidney your body can suffer from edemas or fluid retention. The main function of your kidneys is to regulate your bodily fluids. As a result, a serious problem with your kidneys could create inflammation or swollen feet, legs or even swellings in your face.
5/ High blood pressure
Fluid and sodium retention may lead to increased blood pressure, which then affects your arteries and cardiovascular system. Illnesses can develop such as renal stenosis which causes severe high blood pressure.
6/ Abnormal taste sensations
While suffering from kidney problems, toxins build up in your blood which can lead to a strange, often metallic, taste forming in your mouth and bad breath. Losing the taste for meat or a loss of appetite, are other symptoms of kidney problems.
7/ Problems urinating
If you notice a change when you urinate it may be another possible sign that you have kidney problems. If you need to go to the toilet more or less often than usual, there may be a problem with you kidneys so you should consult a doctor.
8/ Lower back or kidney pains
A problem with your kidneys could also create pain or inflammation in your lower back, lumbar vertebrae or near to your kidneys. Muscle pain could also be linked with developing kidney problems.