At times, we can all suffer from common ailments to do with the brain, such as anxiety, headaches, etc., and we may consider taking medication for relief. Although you may not have thought of using plants for brain health purposes, there are however natural alternatives to medication, and certain herbs and spices prove highly effective in terms of looking after your brain. Here is a list of 6 plants that will boost performance, reduce pain and headaches, and generally look after your brain health.
1/ Rosemary
Rosemary can help improve prospective memory (particularly in older people) by simply smelling it! Prospective memory is the ability to remember precise events (dates of appointments, birthdays, feast days, etc.).
2/ Garlic

Garlic contains substances that act directly on the brain, which eliminate carcinogenic cells. Regularly seasoning your dishes with garlic can help prevent serious illness, while also adding flavour!
3/ Chamomile

This herb offers known benefits for the brain and the neuronal system. In fact, chamomile helps dramatically reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, by working directly on the receptors for certain brain chemicals. A cup of chamomile also promotes good sleep.
4/ Sage

This plant is extremely useful for brain related problems, and it is highly effective, particularly in terms of memory. It is possible to reinforce your memory and learning abilities with sage. However, sage is not recommended for people with heart problems.
5/ Mint

Just like sage, mint is effective for reinforcing memory and reducing the symptoms of amnesia. You can drink mint tea with honey, or season your dishes or milkshakes by adding a few mint leaves.
6/ Parsley and thyme

These plants contain apigenin, a flavonoid which reinforces the exchanges between the neurons and their parent cells. These characteristics can help prevent depression, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.
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